Sunday Scares Review: CBD Gummies For A Social Media Age - ڽƵ


Sunday Scaries Review: Do Their CBD Gummies Live Up to The Hype? (2022)


Most CBD producers make a concerted effort to play up their serious side.

They describe, in great detail, all the things that make them trustworthy and devoted to science:

  • How they discovered CBD, how it helped them, and how they realized its potential.
  • The experts who’ve consulted on their product formulations and design.
  • Their commitment to the future of hemp and CBD in the medical world.
  • Their rigorous quality and testing standards.

All of those are important, of course. No one wants to buy cannabidiol (the full name for CBD) from a fly-by-night company that cuts corners or doesn’t care about the quality of its products – particularly since most customers are purchasing CBD to treat medical issues like serious pain or anxiety.

What that means, though, is that almost all producers sound pretty much the same, and their marketing materials look pretty much the same.

Sunday Scaries got into the CBD industry with a very different outlook.

They’re still concerned about quality and standards, of course; no producer could succeed and thrive for long by selling substandard products.

But that’s not what this company, which focuses primarily on the production of CBD gummies, has chosen to highlight. It’s decided instead to position itself as the cool and fun kid on the block.

Does that approach work? And is the marketing better than the products themselves?

Let’s find out.

Sunday Scaries: The Background

There are lots of research studies showing CBD’s apparent effectiveness as a treatment for pain, anxiety, epilepsy, acne, the troubling side effects of chemotherapy, and a number of other medical issues. But the founders of Sunday Scaries weren’t thinking about any of them when they decided to start producing and selling CBD.

Beau Schmitt and Mike Sill owned a bar in San Diego. All of the hard work and long hours they had to put in, and the pressure they were under to turn a profit, had stressed them out to the point where they realized they needed help – or at least, someone to talk to.

Sill opened up to his sister, who told him that many people – including her – regularly experienced that type of stress. There was even a name for it, based on the fear of going back to work each week: the Sunday Scaries. The duo eventually heard about CBD’s supposed ability to relieve stress, tried it – and found that it worked for them. They were better able to face life and have fun, instead of obsessing overwork and the pressures it caused.

The experience convinced them to ditch the bar and start a business that would provide others with the same stress-relieving solution that they had discovered. They formed a CBD company in 2017 and understandably decided that “Sunday Scaries” was the perfect name to convey the same calm focus they had discovered by using cannabidiol.

The partners developed products with quality in mind, but they began promoting them with an attitude very unusual for the CBD industry. They initially concentrated on CBD-infused candies rather than traditional oil or topical products, they marketed (largely on social media) with somewhat-edgy humor and memes rather than stodgy prose, and they called their company “the Deadpool of Wellness” that makes life “not so scary.” In fact, their guarantee is “chillax, or your money back.”

We do have to wonder how the company has evaded FDA scrutiny or punishment for promising “medical or health benefits,” since CBD is unregulated and producers aren’t allowed to make those types of health claims. But apparently so far, so good.

Sunday Scaries’ gummies and other products have become quite popular, and even have a cult following. But how well do they work?

Sunday Scaries: The Approach

Here’s the good news when it comes to the hemp that Sunday Scaries uses to produce its CBD products: it’s all grown on family farms in Colorado. Here’s the not quite-as-good news: it’s apparently not organically-grown. At least, the company makes no mention of organic growing processes. That doesn’t make Sunday Scaries bad. It just knocks them down a notch when you’re looking to judge their quality.

Here’s another notch. Even though the company brags about its transparency, it doesn’t say how it extracts cannabidiol from that hemp, just that it uses a “clean” extraction method. We assume that means they don’t use synthetic solvents, which can contaminate CBD. However, there’s a big difference between “safe” extraction methods; some preserve most of the cannabidiol’s effectiveness or natural balance, while other less-expensive processes don’t. This is an important detail that Sunday Scaries should disclose.

The CBD used in the company’s products is broad-spectrum, meaning it retains all of the plant’s components except the tiny amount of psychoactive THC naturally present in hemp. That slightly lessens the “entourage effect” that boosts CBD’s effectiveness, but also ensures that the user won’t test positive for THC.

On the positive side, Sunday Scaries uses MCT coconut oil as a carrier in its products that require carrier oil, and almost all of the ingredients it uses are natural. (The exception: some artificial flavors and colors are added to the CBD candies.) But that brings us to another distinguishing feature of this company’s products.

Vitamins D3 and B12 are also added to Sunday Scaries formulations, intended to enhance the calm and relaxing effect of CBD. B12 is known to support nerve function and growth while reducing stress, and D3 is believed to help reduce anxiety and boost mood. We haven’t seen another CBD producer who adds this combination of vitamins to their products.

The company has stayed close to its roots. Even though CBD oil has been added to the lineup, most of its products are gummies and other candies – the ones that put Sunday Scaries on the map. And many satisfied customers swear by them, even though the producer’s lack of transparency means we can’t vouch for the claim that they’re “better” than competitors’ products.

Sunday Scaries CBD Edibles

Sunday Scaries regular and vegan gummies with unicorn jerky edibles on white background

The company’s flagship product remains Sunday Scaries gummies. They contain 10 milligrams of broad-spectrum cannabidiol apiece, along with MCT coconut oil, the vitamins D3 and B12 mentioned earlier, and pure cane sugar. However, they also have a variety of artificial flavors and colors added, so they’re not completely natural. They’re GMO- and gluten-free, but do contain traces of nuts (because of the coconut oil). These gummies are also sold in a strawberry variety called “Bra Berries,” with $2 of each purchase donated to a group supporting breast cancer research.

Sunday Scaries and Bra Berries gummies aren’t vegan, but the producer offers a separate, similar line of vegan gummies called “Vegan AF” (you can probably guess what the AF stands for, considering our description of the company as edgy). They’re also free of all major allergens (including nuts) and contain 10 milligrams of broad-spectrum CBD apiece.

All of these gummies are relatively high-priced.

There’s one more edible product to consider. It’s CBD candy called “Unicorn Jerky,” small sugar-coated strips infused with cannabidiol and coconut oil. Like the gummies, they contain artificial flavors and colors, as well as wheat. $1 from each purchase is donated to The Trevor Project, which supports LGBTQ youth in need and works to curb youth suicide, in memory of the sister of one of Sunday Scaries’ founders.

Sunday Scaries CBD Oil

Sunday Scaries CBD Oil on white background

The single non-edible product that Sunday Scaries has added to its lineup is CBD oil. It’s a fairly strong oil with 30mg/ml of broad-spectrum cannabidiol, plus MCT coconut carrier oil, organic stevia and other natural flavors for sweetness, and the company’s trademark additions of vitamins D3 and B12.

Sunday Scaries: The Verdict

A large number of satisfied customers swear by Sunday Scaries gummies. That may be due to the company’s take-no-prisoners approach to marketing, or the attitude displayed on its website. We found it all somewhat affected; if we’re shopping for CBD, we’d rather see key information about a product than a prominent bullet list with entries like “perfect for dealing with a crying baby on a plane” and “perfect for saying ‘whatever’ to a parking ticket.” But as the company might say, “whatever.” To each their own.

The products themselves seem to be manufactured pretty well, but we are somewhat troubled by the lack of transparency surrounding details like the CBD extraction method. To be fair, third-party certificates of analysis (COAs) are easy to find, although they don’t speak to the effectiveness of the production methods.

Are Sunday Scaries worth buying? They’re pretty expensive, and we’ve found competitive products which seem to be more effective. They do taste good and do their job fairly well, however. Our verdict can probably best be expressed in one word: whatever.

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