When Is the Best Time to Take CBD Oil: Morning or At Night?


When Is The Best Time of the Day to Take CBD Oil?


It’s understandable how using CBD for the first time can confuse people. CBD, after all, remains unregulated.

What’s the right dose to use? Should I take it in the morning or at night?

To help you with your CBD journey, this guide teaches you how to find the optimal CBD dosage and what time of the day to take it. 

What Time Should You Take CBD Oil?

Now, let’s find the best time to take CBD oil.

Similar to finding your best dose, many factors to consider when determining your CBD schedule. These include:

  • The reason why you’re taking CBD in the first place
  • Your expectations and desired effects
  • The CBD product or form
  • Frequency of taking CBD oil

Effects of CBD Oil in the Morning

When you take CBD oil in the morning, it not only boosts your energy but also relieves some of your discomforts.

Because you’d be feeling more energized and in a healthier mood, there’ll also be a boost in your motivation and an increase in your productivity.

The increase in energy may also help you enjoy your exercise regimen more.

Effects of CBD Oil at Night

Taking CBD oil at night helps relax the mind and the body. Your discomfort eases, and your mind feels calmer and more peaceful.

With your stress and discomfort gone, it’ll be much easier to fall into a long, restful sleep. You’ll also feel more energized in the morning since your sleep quality improved.

Best Time to Take CBD by Product Type

Now that you know the most effective time to take CBD, choosing the best CBD form or product is the next step.

A) Oral CBD (Sublingual & Ingestible)

Sublingual CBD oils and tinctures are usually placed under the tongue, while ingestible CBD-like capsules and edibles are swallowed whole.

Sublingual CBD offers a faster onset of effects since CBD is quickly absorbed by the cells in the mouth. You’ll feel the effects in less than 30 minutes.

On the other hand, Ingestible CBD takes some time since it has to go through several organs like the stomach and the liver first. You’ll feel the effects anywhere from 30 minutes to about two hours, depending on your metabolism.

Sublingual CBD is best for acute symptoms and may be used on an as-needed basis. Its fast onset of effects can immediately give you some relief, with the effects lasting for about two to four hours.

On the other hand, Ingestible CBD is best for chronic symptoms since CBD stays longer in the system. It has more time to activate more endocannabinoid systems and produce its health effects. The effects typically last about six to eight hours, so it’s best to use ingestible CBD like you would any other supplement — regularly and preferably at the same time of the day.

B) Inhalable CBD (CBD Flowers and Vape)

CBD flowers are usually smoked, while CBD vapes are inhaled using vaporizers.

Like sublingual CBD, both produce a fast onset of effects since CBD is immediately absorbed and directly goes into the bloodstream. This type of CBD product works best for acute symptoms and may also be used as needed.

The effects of inhalable CBD usually last about two to four hours as well.

Of the two, though, CBD vapes are safer and healthier to use. It doesn’t produce harmful, carcinogenic byproducts, which occur during the combustion of paper and dried flowers.

C) CBD Topicals

CBD topicals include ointments, balms, creams, salves, lotions, gels, among others.

Unlike the first two forms of CBD, which may produce widespread effects, CBD applied topically only produce localized effects. The cannabinoid doesn’t enter the bloodstream. Instead, it activates the endocannabinoid systems found in the skin cells.

CBD topicals are perfect for muscle as well as joint aches and pains. This may also be good for skin conditions like acne, hives, or insect bites.

It may take about 30 minutes to an hour before you feel the effects, so to increase absorption, be sure to wash the area with soap and clean water. This removes the dirt and grime that can slow down the rate of absorption.

The effects of CBD topicals usually last about five hours. It may be taken on a regular or an as-needed basis.

How Often Can You Take CBD Oil?

Some people take CBD oil once a day, while some take it twice or thrice a day.

Again, this depends on your preferences, so listen to your body as you find the best CBD dose.

For example, you’re using CBD for health and wellness maintenance only. Then you may want to start with low-strength CBD and take it once a day. For an energy boost, take it in the morning. To have a more relaxing sleep, then take it at night.

However, if you’re using CBD to help manage some of your health concerns, then you may want to start with medium- to high-strength CBD. You may use the CBD dosage calculator discussed above to get the best dosage for your body weight and symptoms.

You can experiment and take the whole dose once a day or divide the dose into two and take a half in the morning and a half at night.

Stay on one routine for a few days, and if it doesn’t work, then switch to the next. If it still didn’t work, then you might need to increase your CBD dose.

If you need more help with CBD use, we recommend seeing your doctor. He can help you come up with a good CBD schedule.

Reasons for Taking CBD Oil

woman taking CBD oil on hand using a dropper

CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system, the main function of which is to help maintain balance and homeostasis within your mind and body. CBD also influences other receptors responsible for maintaining this balance.

Simply put, CBD will help you where and when you need it most. It will stimulate these biological systems, helping them promote and maintain balance.

To take full advantage of CBD’s health effects, know why you need it in the first place.

Is it because you need an energy boost to start the day? Or maybe you need a mood booster? How about some control over your aches and pains to get through your daily tasks?

If so, then take your CBD oil in the morning. This way, CBD helps you prepare and feel ready to face the day.

Do you need help in winding down and relaxing, or maybe you need a little push to help you sleep better?

If this is your reason, then take CBD oil at night. It helps you relax and unwind as you settle down for the night.

What’s The Dose of CBD? 

People respond differently to CBD. The dose that works for one may not necessarily work for you.

Remember, many factors influence your CBD dose. These include:

  • Metabolism
  • Weight
  • Size
  • Medical condition
  • Symptoms
  • Other medications or drugs you’re taking
  • CBD potency
  • Type of CBD product
  • How well you tolerate CBD

Now, the general rule for CBD dosing is to take:

  • 1 mg of CBD per 10 lbs of body weight for low-strength CBD
  • 3 mg of CBD per 10 lbs of body weight for medium-strength CBD
  • 6 mg of CBD per 10 lbs of body weight for high-strength CBD

Let’s say, for example, you weigh 150 pounds, then you’ll need 15 mg of CBD for mild symptoms, 45 mg for moderate symptoms, and 90 mg for severe symptoms.

Next, determine the milligrams of CBD per mL or one full dropper.

To calculate how much CBD is in an mL, divide the total CBD milligrams by the bottle size in mL.

Let’s say you have 900 mg CBD in a 30 mL bottle, then divide 900 by 30, giving you 30 mg of CBD per 1 mL or one full dropper. One full dropper has about 20 drops.

Since you’ll only need 15 mg of CBD for mild symptoms, for example, then use half a dropper or about 10 drops.

Start Low & Go Slow

You may want to start with a lower dose than what you initially calculated to avoid side effects. Stay on that dose for about three to five days, so your body gets used to CBD.

If there’s no improvement, then gradually increase the dose.

If there are some side effects, then decrease the dose.

Finding the right CBD dose is a trial and error experience before you find your sweet spot, so be patient.

Final Thoughts — Best Times to Take CBD Oil

When’s the best time of the day to take CBD oil?

Well, there’s really no right answer to this.

When using CBD oil for the first time, listening to your body’s reaction to CBD is important. How your body responds to CBD can help you determine your CBD schedule.

Take notes of the effects based on the doses, frequency of use, the time you took CBD oil, etc., and then adjust accordingly.

Always remember that “one-size-fits-all” doesn’t apply to CBD use. If you want to find the best dose, then you have to be patient and consistent.

Finding the best dose and frequency of use won’t be easy, but with patience and consistency, you’ll soon develop a CBD schedule that works for you.

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